If you are worried about pressure you can go with US commercial loads, they are all loaded low because the manufacturers worry it will end up in Commission 88's, plus you end up with reloadable brass. These days it's harder to find the Turk ammo unless you look in my ammo bunker, and it's much more expensive. I did use it in at least 20 Turkish ' Mauser's' that ranged from converted GEW88's, and rifles using 1893 small ring receivers, German and Czech 98 receivers, and the receivers the Turks made themselves on the BRNO equipment with no problems. I didn't use it in the Hakim, or SAFN49 semi autos because I had their gas systems regulated for the Persian 8mm I also had a good supply of at the time. I never checked this myself, but I did buy something around 15,000 rounds of it back in the day when it was dirt cheap, literally a few cents or less per round bought in bulk. I am told that the Turk Mauser rounds were a bit on the hot side.